Super Sauna Benefits

Want powerful detoxification and increased  longevity? You need an infrared sauna.

Going on a “detox” is all the fad these days. But do you know WHY and the best way to detox your body?

An infrared sauna not only feels amazing, but it is one of the best ways to aid the detoxification process and improve your health. It can even increase your lifespan!

Why do you need to detox?

Our bodys are bioaccumulative. This means we naturally absorb substances from our external environment. 

We are constantly exposed to toxins from our environment and the very air we breathe. Nasty substances, such as:

  • Heavy metals

  • PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls)

  • BPA (Bisphenol A)

  • Phthalate compounds

  • Air pollution

All these toxic substances build up in our bodies and are absorbed into our bloodstream, vital organs, adipose (fatty) tissues and muscles. These weaken our immune systems and can result in chronic illnesses, lethargy and fatigue.

And this is why we need to detox. 

When we actively detoxify from harmful pollutants we restore our vitality, health and energy and we improve our physical appearance. This not only improves our quality of life, but increases our lifespan! 

What does detoxification mean?

Detoxification is an active process to help your body rid itself of these toxins and harmful pollutants. 

Your body naturally eliminates waste (we don’t need to go into that particular process here), but that is a passive process. Detoxification is a more proactive approach, where we take action to help improve the overall health of our body. Our bodies' passive elimination processes also struggle to expel most of those environmental toxins that clog up our organs, fatty tissues and muscles. That is why we need a more active solution, like saunas.

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. When you sweat your body releases harmful substances through your skin. Infrared saunas create an “artificial” fever, causing you to sweat. This uses the power of your largest organ, skin, and sweat to get rid of those nasty toxins we are bombarded with every single day. 

Don’t think it is all sweat and hard work though! An infrared sauna is super relaxing and feels amazing. The Clearlight Infrared saunas are non-toxic, super comfy and look amazing. Best of all, they work to purify your body of toxins, improve your health and increase longevity. 

How does an infrared sauna improve your lifespan and help you detox?

Studies have shown strong links between sauna use and increased lifespan, improved overall health and reduced chronic illness, disease and even death. 

An infrared sauna emits near or far wavelengths to heat your body and the surrounding air. They operate at lower temperatures than traditional saunas and are highly effective at purifying your body of nasty toxins.

Infrared saunas, like these amazing Clearlight saunas, increase your core body temperature to create an artificial fever that causes you to sweat and cleanses your body. Infrared saunas mimic the sun's natural radiance, using similar wavelengths and light to radiate warmth around your body and into your soft tissues. This increases your heat from the inside out and causes you to sweat out those nasty environmental toxins. 

This active detoxification creates:

  • Increased energy

  • Blemish free and smooth skin

  • Increased vitality

  • Improved immune system

  • Balanced hormones

  • Improves your sleep

When you incorporate an infrared sauna into your self-care routine you will rid your body of harmful toxins and promote a healthy, quality life and improve longevity. 

Say no to those nasty toxins and jump into an infrared sauna today!

For more published articles on Sauna benifits and more information about Clearlight Jacuzzi Saunas try some of the links below:




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FIR -  It’s Biological Effects

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