The Health Benefits of Sunshine

Many of us associate sunshine with a good time. Whether it be the days out of the beach, sitting out on a chair reading or just being active- sunshine is something most humans look forward too. On the other hand, those dark, dreary days tend to spell doom and gloom for our moods. There is a reason for this beyond the idea of Summer meaning fun and winter being associated with dreariness. It stems down to our physiology- to put it simply- our bodies love the sunshine. Our physical, mental and emotional health is affected by sunshine and exposure to the sun.

So, what is it about sunshine that makes our bodies thrive?

Let’s break it down.

What is in Sunshine?

On a basic level, sunshine is the heat and light that comes down from the sun. Exposure to sunlight stimulates the production of some very important hormones, most notably serotonin. As well as serotonin, sunlight also directly impacts the production of Vitamin D. These hormones and nutrients are vital to maintaining health and without them, our physical and mental health can take a real turn.

Importance of Serotonin and Endorphins

When our serotonin drops, so does our mood. This is why in the colder weather many people may develop major depression that is directly affected by the seasons. Serotonin is a hormone that stimulates mood, one that makes somebody feel calm and content, as well as focused. The body’s natural production of serotonin and melatonin is responsible for regulating our circadian rhythm, which is basically our sleep cycle. Without serotonin- our mood, energy levels and overall quality of life will be negatively affected. With exposure to sunlight just for fifteen minutes a day, particularly within the first hour of being awake, you can potentially increase the body’s serotonin production to give you all those great benefits it has to offer. That is just the beginning of what sunlight can do.

What is so important about Vitamin D?

Beyond serotonin, sunlight can also help stimulate the production of Vitamin D. The reason vitamin D is so important is that there are at least 1,000 different genes in the body that are regulated by vitamin D, and these genes govern almost every tissue in the body. In particular, these tissues regulate how calcium is metabolised and how the immune system functions. To sum it up, almost vitamin D helps almost every single function in the body. Most importantly, Vitamin D can modulate the innate and adaptive immune responses. Deficiency in vitamin D is associated with increased autoimmunity as well as an increased susceptibility to infection.  Vitamin D also plays a role in developing strong and healthy bones, fighting skin diseases, conditions like rheumatoid arthritis- basically almost every condition that can develop when our cells are not healthy. Health statistics across many different research teams in the USA suggest that at least 41% of the population is deficient in Vitamin D. Which when we consider how inexpensive and accessible sunlight can be for most people, is absolutely staggering.

How Do I Know If I’m Getting Enough?

Upon reading how important sunlight is to your health as well as how common vitamin D deficiencies are, you are probably asking yourself if you are getting enough sunlight. Taking the first step though in getting at least fifteen minutes of direct sun exposure a day if possible is one way to help. Unfortunately, just like with the food we eat, sometimes even just getting enough sun does not always mean our body is processing it correctly. Every person has different needs and sometimes our bodies do not always function efficiently which means you may be doing all the right things, but your body is just not absorbing it correctly.

This is where we come in.

Sustaining Vitamin D at functional ranges can help combat diseases and improve your overall health, so you want to ensure that you are indeed getting enough. By getting your vitamin D levels checked every six months, you can see just what you need to do get your levels up. From adjusting your exposure to taking supplements, knowing your needs is the first step to taking control of your health.

Do not leave something as important as your health up to chance. Let us help you take control so you can get the full benefits that sunshine can add to your life.


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